Saturday, September 16, 2006

New Arrival!!

I have wonderful news! After much waiting and anticipation I am proud to announce a new addition to the Ed and Linda blogging family! If you have been reading this blog for any length of time (including the previous blog about baby showers) you will no doubt have learned that we were expecting the arrival of something very special. Well.... IT'S HERE!

So, without further adieu... allow me to introduce to you something that you can already see on the right of the screen, above the sticky posts section. That will be our brand new flickr badge. Yup, we have entered the digital picture age and will start storing pictures on flickr instead of rolling them out inline in this blog. After the latest set of pictures from the blog, I realized we needed to add something to help organize the onslaught of pictures of

Kaitlyn Isabella

You all might as well get used to looking at pictures of a baby, so I pulled a random one off of google to help warm you up:

So, I hope that you enjoy looking at these flickr photos in my new photo stream. I'm hoping to avoid printing alot of them out. With the new baby coming, I'm afraid if I were to print out all of the pictures they would weigh

Eight Pounds 7 Ounces

So, please, give Linda and I a big CONGRATULATIONS! on our new flickr entry. We are really, really excited about it!



Blogger portuguesa nova said...

Congratulations to all three of you!!!

She is perfect!!

(Have I commented here before? If not, I don't want to creep you out--hi, I'm Sarah, pregnant for one more month, found you through some other new parent blog.)

8:12 PM  

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