Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Juan Hopkins

To think that I would catch a breather.

At work I have the title of Senior Staff and, when pulishing conference papers, the particular society accepting the paper desires that the author place their job title, department, and contact information at the bottom of the first page of the work.

Now, I have read and re-read my fourteen page submission several times. Apparently, this review did not include the footnotes at the bottom of the page as, upon printing a final copy to take home with me the day after the paper was due, I realized that I had identified myself as:

Senor Staff

Of course, I made this realization 30 minutes before several of my friends arrived for Poker Night. Everyone except me had a good laugh. 8) A panicked one-hour later and the problem had been corrected and re-submitted. To date, I think that there will only be two lasting scars from this incident:

1. My nickname has become Senor Staff.
2. People now insist that I work for Juan Hopkins.

-Senor Staff


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