Monday, November 07, 2005

Visual Aids

I've decided that looking at huge swaths of text that I have written is probably extremely boring to the average peruser of this blog. As I am, most probably, the largest peruser of this blog, I can safely make that statement.

So I try and chop up the English a little bit with pictures that I grab from google. I think it helps keep things interesting. At the very least, it makes it less of a burden for me to have to paint a picture using just my rudimentary writing skills.

For example, were I to write about... I dunno... Alaskan snow dogs, I could find something appropriate pretty quickly:

Alternatively, were I pushing some fiction involving.. umm.. an invasion of dinosaurs from outer space, google would help me there, too:

In fact, has become a sort of barometer for my posts: when I have done or thought something so completely unique that I cannot represent its parts as visual snippets from google, then I will know, unconditionally, that I have hit pure


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