Thursday, May 05, 2005

A quick momism

I need to communicate a brief telephone conversation I had a week or two ago with my mom. I have been meaning to write about it for a while, because I found it very funny. I'm too busy at work now to add any meaningful commentary beyond simple recollection.

Ed: We are working on putting in the retaining wall now.

Mom: A retaining wall? Where?

Ed: In front of the house, where we have that big hill.

Mom: Why would you do that?

Ed: So we don't have to keep mowing that horrible hill, and it will give Linda some gardening space.

Mom: Oh...Ok, but, I mean... are you going to like the way it looks?

It's good to know that no matter how old I get, what I learn, or what I do, my mom will always be able to stump me.


ps. She likes the way it looks very much.


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