Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Nerd Cometh

Not only am I old, my car is old, too. My little bimmer now has over 100,000 miles on it. Fortunately, these are "highway miles" and the little monster drives as good at 100,000 as it did the day I got it.

Yesterday morning on the way to work I noticed the new mileage: 101,011 miles. How does that make me a nerd? Instinctually, I noted that this was a binary number. Specifically, I noted that this was 0x2B. Then, hurtling down 95, I thought how nice it would be to only have 0x2B miles on my car -- that would be a mere 43 miles for all of you non-math types.

But, alas, I have more than 43 miles on the car. And yet there was this binary number staring me in the face on my instrument panel.

I was faced with quite a dilemma. What was my mileage?

0x2B or not 0x2B, that was the question.

Fortunately, soon after, the mileage switched to 101,012 resolving all doubt.


ps. No, that story was not contrived. Honest to goodness that's what went through my mind in that 45 seconds. No wonder there are so many accidents on 95 in the morning.


Blogger Phil Romans said...

And this is the difference between a nerd and a geek. A geek wouldn't have noticed the binary, whereas the nerd would.

Well, maybe the geek MIGHT have noticed but not have thought about it as long as a nerd. =)

9:29 AM  
Blogger Ed said...



9:42 AM  

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