Thursday, July 26, 2007

10 months and 2am

I've been working 50-60 hour weeks at work for the past few months in preparation for some big deadlines. yuck. The worst part, of course, is when I get home at 9 or 10pm at night, which is after Kaitlyn's bedtime.

We have a small, private webcam in her nursery so that we can check on her when she is crying, or sleeping, without disturbing her by going into her room. So, it's almost 2am and I poke in to look at my sleeping 10 month old...

And what is this 10 month old doing at 2am?

Why, she is sitting up, staring intently at her binky, in absolute, enraptured silence.

What else would a little one like he rbe doing?



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