Wednesday, April 18, 2007

More Than This

I have found that the discovery of life's universal truths is harder than it should be. One might think that the very definition of universal truth would imply a proliferation that aids this particular type of philosophical scavenger hunt. Alas, my list of universal truths is short and, to my consternation, growing shorter.

So, what latest universal truth was sacrificed on the altar of proof-to-the-contrary? I learned you cannot reverse the progression of time. Sure, it seems like an easy thing to anyone who has ever seen the Superman movie: simply travel faster than the speed of light and all of a sudden the earth moves backwards, people move backwards, and time itself moves backwards. By the time you're finished moving so fast, simply pick up where want to.

I know this is not possible because I've been trying it for many months now, and no matter how quickly I hurtle through the day, the earth has not reversed itself, people only walk backwards on purpose and, excepting some daylight savings time hell a little while back, time has kept marching forward.

Perhaps I haven't been traveling fast enough; as I contemplate slowing down I can feel the past several months catching up to me. Clearly I have had some lead on time. I'm sitting 3.5 months into the new year and am at a complete loss to describe them.

Oh, sure, we had some fun... Linda turned 30 and had a huge catered bash, I almost blew up my house cutting through some piping, we got some new techy gear, Kaitlyn does a new thing every 3 minutes, and my various groups of friends have birthed 13 kids in 2.5 years.

In Edland it's still early January, 2007. So that is where I need to pick up. I have yet to start thank you notes for all the kindnesses received last year. I'd like to start that here and now, as February 2007 will be arriving in a few moments...

To everyone who gave such vivid support, thank you so much. Special "thanks you"s to people who reached out beyond existing levels of friendship. Thank you to the people who posted support to this blog, like Phil and Stacie and Otter. Even "thank you" to the people who, despite years of acquaintanceship, never mentioned my mother's passing; they have given me one less set of people to worry about. You can learn a lot about a person by the way they treat your mother, anonymous or not, posthumously or not. But that, like my house evacuation, is a different story.

So, I'm back; The revolution will be blogged.

In the meantime, please be content to hang with the latest picture of my 6 month old little girl.


Blogger Playful Grace said...

Your sweet little one is absolutely gorgeous!

Welcome back you... you've been missed.

Well, by me anyway! ;)

6:53 PM  
Blogger Ed said...

It's good to be back. I've got to update my flickr site, we have so many cute pictures of the lil' bean. It is so easy to spend an evening just interacting with her.

Thanks for everything.


12:36 AM  
Blogger Playful Grace said...

I know exactly what you mean. Children are SO amazing.

You are welcome.

6:49 AM  

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