Friday, October 14, 2005

Happy Anniversary

I was all ready to put forth a "Happy Anniversary" post to my blog, to celebrate the first six months of my vanity press. In true Ed fashion, however, I have missed the mark by a week (but exactly a week) so I would like to present you with my "six month and one week anniversary posting".

We've come a long way, baby.

So, how do we celebrate six months of blogging bests? Why, with a clip-show, of course. So here it is, a "top ten" listing of the blog entries I have been the most proud of in this past half year. And, like any lazy clip-show, I've included some editorial comments to give at least the impression of creativity.

If you've read these blogs before, read them again -- I do, and these are the ones that speak about me the most. If you haven't read them before, get that mouse moving -- you have catching up to do.

1. Digital Timecapsules - The one quote from Dead Poet's Society has stayed near and dear to my heart. And I have always been a fan of Walt (though he was crazy as a loon).

2. Always Spread Your Condiments -- This was my first attempt at writing something experientially. And I love the little horseradish cartoon. It isn't so much my favorite prose as it is a personal writing milestone.

3. Hard Core Journalism -- Something about large, orange floating sausages cracks me up. I can get away with it because this is a blog that gets 10 hits a day if I'm lucky. But CNN? Gimmie a break! 8)

4. If You Build It -- Trying to convey to others the rush and enthusiasm I have for some of my projects, even the mundane ones, has been on of the most persistent challenges I've faced so far.

5. Going to Turkey For a Haircut -- Hey, I'm funny! A few week sago I went back for another hair cut and got the same guy, and the same results.

6. Ray -- To date, Ray has made no more appearances. So many times we find ourselves looking the other way that I was surprised to catch myself still looking for him just last week.

7. How the West was Won -- Mother, thy name is necessity. (no, not you mom, I was being metaphoric...)

8. Life's Fireworks -- Still looking, and still calling myself a dork for doing so.

9. Broke into the Old Apartment -- I loved the confines of my old apartment. A big house is nice, believe me, and in about 10 minutes I will be sitting in my hot tub forgetting such nonsense. However, there are times when I would love to go back to the simplicity of those 700 square feet.

10. Life Uncommon -- It's odd, as I get more familiar with my digital self I've found newer ways to be honest with myself on just why I do things.

Happy six-month-and-one-week anniversary, blog. I was looking for a digital diary, but you've given me a great deal more: you've helped me understand myself a little better, you've helped explain me to others, let me stay in contact with those I don't see much, and, according to the stats counter, made me quite popular in Malaysia.

I can't wait to celebrate your one-year-and-two-week anniversary.



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