Sunday, April 24, 2005

Babies R Us

Today we had a baby shower for a couple we are very close friends with. We also learned another couple in our group of friends is pregnant, and last week learned that yet another couple in a different group of friends is pregnant.

The baby boom has begun. How completely exciting and terrifying. Linda and I are ready to talk about having our own family. I know I'll be a good dad, and I know she'll be a good mom. But, that's all we want to say about it. You know how private and secretive we like to be about these sorts of things.

I made 10 t-shirts for the baby. Each one had a picture of a different friend and the saying "Today I want to Spit Up ...". I thought it was cute. Here's mine:

Now I just need to find a way to market these and make a million dollars. Please, if you know of a way to, let me know. 8)



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